Sunday, April 25, 2010

Girls Are Stupid

Even tho I have a vagina which qualifies me as being a female, I have come to bitter conclusion today that girls,
including myself, are well...stupid. They frustrate me to no end. Maybe because I'm not as emotional as some
or maybe I could be an unknowingly heartless person. Either way I don't understand the over-emotional
underlying tension that women, at least the ones in my life, have.

Everything is always such a big hoo-rah. That's not me & I don't tolerate it well. When the milk spills, I don't stare at it and cry, I go and get a paper towel to clean it up.
uggghhhhh...i don't mean to sound like a whiner, but i definitely had to get that out of my system.


xoxo, bii

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bitter Sweet

Today is probobly the most gorgeous day of the week so far. The weather is so perfect, I didn't have to work, and I didn't have any classes.
Today a close family friend passed away.
I don't know how to feel and I haven't cried yet.
Today....well, today is just another day

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bleu Dae

Today is my kind of day.
Traffic was rediculously slow and urgency was a priority of no one. It didn't put me in a panic nor did it raise my level of anxiety. It made me meditate. Forcing me to listen to petite drops of water and ponder over life's causes. The on and off drizzles of cold, sharp rain forced me into a cuddle of intimacy under my umbrella with a tall cup of caramel macchaito. I finally reached my destination. Dried off, undressed, got back under the covers and studied for my trigonometry test between naps. Of course i texted the outside world, but made no one else's life my goal of satisfaction.
Not much accomplished but everything gained.


Monday, March 22, 2010

New Kid On the Block

I've been procrastinating my blogging for long enough. I have no idea what the main content of this blog is going to be nor do I plan on having a theme. I'm just going to go with what comes to mind and work with it. So here we go.....